EFSG European Fire and Security Group
Multiple certification for secure storage and high security locks

EFSG facilitates multi-country compliance of your Secure storage units and high security locks

Secure storage units and high security locks protect precious documents, heritage items and other valuables such as money, jewellery, etc.

It is not mandatory to have secure storage units and high security locks certified by an independent third party organisation. Yet their characteristics are very difficult to assess in the absence of testing and it is therefore quite possible to market products with features and performance below those required by the standards.

Professionals eager to install or use compliant products will benefit from purchasing products certified by EFSG members.

Through its members, EFSG provides manufacturers with all the benefits of certification by independent third party organisations while minimizing testing operations, formalities and costs involved in multi-country certification

Signatories to the mutual recognition agreement

for Safes and strongrooms and also the agreement for High security locks (HSL)

CNPP logo
CNPP Cert., Francewww.cnpp.com
Contacts for applicants requesting multiple certification:
Mr Harold MAZILA – email
SBSC logo

SBSC, Sweden – www.sbsc.se 

Contacts for applicants requesting multiple certification:
Safes : Mr Frederik BACKMAN – email 
High security locks & strongroom doors : Mr Björn BOVIN – email

VDS logo

VdS Schadenverhütung, Germanywww.vds.de
Contacts for applicants requesting multiple certification:
Mr Günter GRUNDMANN – email

The EFSG common plate

The use of the common plate signifies that the product to which the plate is attached has been certified according to the mutual recognition agreement for safes and strongrooms. It can help to increase the acceptance of the product by prescribers across the various markets.

One common certification plate is applied to each certified product sold and can be used instead of multiple individual certification plates or the multiple markings of each certification body.



MRA customer guides

EFSG Safe plate request form

Application for harmonised audits

Enquiry form for the multiple certification procedure of Safes, Strongrooms and High Security Locks

Standards with the scope of the Mutual recognition agreement:

EN 1143-1: Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms

EN 1143-2: Secure storage units. Requirements, classification and methods of tests for resistance to burglary Deposit systems

EN 1300:2018 Secure storage units – Classification for high security locks according to their resistance against unauthorized opening, without distributed systems (means: excluding chapter 5.1.8, where prEN 17646:2021 is used instead) and without manipulation tests on electronic locks according table 4, clause 8.2.2 (=> Manipulation tests on electronic locks are going to be conducted according to prEN 1300:2021).

EN 14450: Secure storage units. Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary. Secure safe cabinets

prEN 17646:2021 Secure storage units - Classification for high security locks according to their resistance against unauthorized opening, distributed systems

A common approach to conformity assessment

EFSG establishes a common approach to conformity assessment in the form of mutual recognition agreements to support manufacturers that need to obtain multiple certifications marks to gain access to European and worldwide markets.

Specializing in the field of fire safety and security EFSG provides a network of highly experienced certifiers delivering quality certification services that focus on the needs of specifiers seeking reliable products and equipment manufacturers that must bring their products to market quickly.

The certifier members of EFSG with their well-respected certification marks work together with the associated test laboratories to help their clients obtain multiple certification with minimal duplication and cost.

Picto intrusion
Security intrusion
Picto sécurité
Fire protection